Protibesh—Journal of Architecture, BUET
Vol 17 No 1 (2019)The Editorial Team of Protibesh invited papers from a wide range of researchers and professionals both from home and abroad. The team has worked hard to enhance the overall standard as International Journal.
This issue of Protibesh includes papers from both National and International arenas and the Team of Reviewers includes a big group of national and international scholars.
This first issue under the current Editorial Board has four articles and covers researches on Informal Sector Housing, Placemaking, Disaster Resilience, Built environment Mapping and Quality of Life Framework for Settlement Upgradation.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 16 No 1 (2016)This issue, last under the present Editorial Board, has five articles covering the streams of Human Settlement, Energy and Environment. Three of which are based on completed MArch dissertations at the Department of Architecture, BUET. All five articles, in one way or another, address the social dimensions of housing, with variations in content and methodology, and most importantly focus on issues previously unaddressed in Bangladesh.
In the lead article Dr Catherine Daisy Gomes explores gender-specific organisation (segregation) and the use of domestic spaces in contemporary Middle-Income Group (MIG) apartments in Dhaka that has undergone a transformation process due to the socio-economic changes of recent times.
Zareen Habiba Islam looks at the role of shared spaces within contemporary real estate apartments in Dhanmondi Residential Area of Dhaka, based on users' adaptation for social interaction by comparing two assessments separated by seven years.
Sultana Zakia Rahman investigates the nature and extent of negotiation of domestic spaces faced by women of a specific low-income occupational group, with mixed ethnicities; and looks at the roles played by the physical environment in slums in addressing women's practical gender needs.
Dr Md. Ashikur Rahman Joarder and Md Nahid Iqbal compare the results of Static and Dynamic Daylight Simulations to support Architectural Decision-Making in the context of Dhaka. They also present a general methodology for decision making regarding daylight design elements with both static and dynamic daylight methods.
Syma Haque Trisha presents a simulation study of assessing the luminous performance of most commonly used shading devices in tall office buildings of Dhaka.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 14 No 1 (2010)
In this issue:1. Darasbari Madrasah: An Intelligent Structure of Bengali Sultanate Architecture; by Sajid-Bin-Doza.
2. Exploring Morphological Changes of the Oldest Core of Dhaka City for Conservation; by Wahida Iffat.
3. A Report on Durga Puja Festival in Kolkata: Traditional Cultural Heritage with Art and Architecture; by Dr Shivashish Bose.
4. To Conserve a Sacred Place: An Investigation on Moha Tirtha Langalbandh; by Md. Mohataz Hossain.
5. Simulation Determining Passive Cooling Parameters for Multi-storeyed Residential Buildings in Dhaka; by Adnan Hossain.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 13 No 2 (2009)
In this issue:1. Gender and Space: Analysis of Gender Zones of Sethi Havelis, Peshawar; by Samra M. Khan.
2. Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emission by the Adoption of Contemporary Earth Construction in Urban Bangladesh; by Mohammad Sharif Zami and Dr Angela Lee.
3. Sustainable Housing and Role of the World Bank; by Dr Mahbubur Rahman.
4. Spatial and Social Adaptations: A Post-occupancy Evaluation of Multi-storey Social Housing in Dhaka; by Dr Shayer Ghafur.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 13 No 1 (2009)
In this issue:1. Transformation of Traditional Building Stocks in the Historic Core of Kathmandu: Looking Through the Prism of Culture and Climate; by Dr Bijaya K. Shrestha and Sushmita Shrestha.
2. Tracing Globalization: Reflection of Changes in Lifestyle in Domestic Architecture; by Dr Zebun Nasreen Ahmed.
3. DELTA FORCE: New Cartographies of the Sundarbans Alternative Design Concepts for Khulna & Environs; by Dr Kelly Shannon and Ward Verbakel.
4. Integrating Open Space in Compact Layout: Study of a High-Density Residential Development in Hong Kong; by Afroza Parvin.
5. Towards Sustainable Rural Development: An Investigation on Clay Based Materials, their Appropriateness and Potential; by Fatema Meher Khan, Saimum Kabir and Shajjad Hossain.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 12 No 2 (2008)
In this issue:1. Preventive Maintenance Strategy of Bara Katra; by Mohammad Sazzad Hossain.
2. Observations on Performance of Commonly Used Shading Devices in Tall Office Buildings of Dhaka; by Anisur Rahman and Dr Khandakar Shabbir Ahmed.
3. Community Participation in Urban Heritage Conservation; by Dr Mahbubur Rahman and Debashish Nayak.
4. Living Beyond the Bound: A Human Rights Perspective Towards Habitat of a Refugee Camp; by Yasmin Ara.
5. Planning for School Safety: A Case Study of Earthquake Affected Bagh Town in Azad Jammun and Kashmir, Pakistan; by Dr S. Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi.
6. Sustainability of Development Trends in the Urban Fringe: A Case Study on North-Eastern Dhaka City; by Md. Shakil Bin Kashem and Dr Roxana Hafiz.
7. Berger Awards Programme for Students of Architecture, BUET; 2006-2007 Award Cycle.
8. Katholieke Universeteit Leuven (KU Leuven) and BUET Academic Exchange Programme.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 12 No 1 (2008)
In this issue:1. “DO MAHELA” An ‘Enlightenment’ about Two Storeyed Mud Architecture Chanduria, Tanore, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Sajid-Bin-Doza and Mohammad Zakaria Ibne Razzaque.
2. Housing Affordability in the Developing Countries: Definition, Concept and Measurement; Dr Mahbubur Rahman.
3. Impact of New Interventions on the Heterogeneity of the Plaza “De Coninckplein” in Antwerp City, Belgium; Rehnuma Parveen and Fahmid Ahmed.
4. Cultural Space – A Conceptual Deliberation and Characterization as Urban Space; Ms. Farhana Ferdous and Dr Farida Nilufar.
5. Strategies for Sustainable Forest Conservation Practice: A Case Study on Lawachara National Park; Md. Shohel Reza Amin and Mrs. Umma Tamima.
6. Implementing the Proposed Outer Ring Road in the Kathmandu Valley: Creation of New Sets of Urban Problems or Opportunity for the Planned Development? Dr Bijaya K. Shrestha and Ar. Sushmita Shrestha.
7. Workshop on Fire Safety in Buildings – Role of Architecture.
8. Workshop on Project Management for Architects.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 11 No 2 (2007)
In this issue:1. The Thin Line Between Tradition and Modernity: The Poetics of Vernacular Dwellings of Chittagong Hill Tracts; by Dr Dilshad Rahat Ara and Mamun ur Rashid.
2. In Defence of Others: Culture and Context in Sustainable Housing Typology; by Sasha Maher and Jacqueline Mcintosh.
3. MM5 Simulation Study of Urbanization Influences on the Climate of Tokai Area, Japan; by Hossain Md. Maruf, Jun Yoshino and Takashi Yasuda.
4. Influence of Landscape Architecture on the Contemporary University Campus Design; by Mohammad Sharif Zami and Dr S. IK. Umenne.
5. Revitalising the Mughal Settlements in Old Dhaka; by Mohammad Sazzad Hossain.
6. Morphological Transformation and Evolution of Panthapath as a Commercial Belt of Dhaka City; by Ms. Farhana Ferdous and Dr Farida Nilufar.
7. Prospect and Exigency for Regenerating Natural Waterways of Urban Bangladesh: Focusing the Case of Buriganga; by Sheikh Serajul Hakim.
8. International Seminar: Architecture for Economically Disadvantaged.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 11 No 1 (2007)
In this issue:1. From Stupa to Stupa Shrine: The Morphology of Buddhist Religious Edifice per Excellence; by M Mizanur Rashid.
2. A Description of Buildings in Khalifatabad City, Bagerhat; by Hafizur Rahman and Kh. Mahfuz-ud-Darain.
3. Seismic Vulnerability of Chittagong City and Some Mitigation Measures; by Mehedi A. Ansary and M. Shahria Alam.
4. Planned Residential Neighbourhood Development in Kathmandu Valley: Community Building or Provision of Physical Infrastructure? by Bijaya K. Shrestha.
5. Urban Revitalisation Through Place Making: A Case in Khulna City; by A. K. M. Kausarul Islam.
6. An Observation on Daylight Inclusion in the Lighting of Offices in Dhaka; by Zebun Nasreen Ahmed and Md. Ashikur Rahman Joarder.
7. Destruction of Natural Resources as a Consequence of Human Interventions: Case of Fishermen Community Living along Karachi’s Mangrove Forests; by Ravindar Kumar Khiani and Saveeta Dholandas.
8. Workshop on Research in Architecture.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 10 No 1 (2006)
In this issue:1. Social Exclusion and Residential Densification: Implications for Integration of the Urban Poor in Dhaka, Bangladesh; by Shayer Ghafur.
2. Constraints prevailing in the field of Landscape Architecture: A Special Reference to the Indian Subcontinent; by Shikha Rani Roy.
3. Light – Creating Drama in Space: The Role of Natural and Artificial Light in Creating Space; by Catherine D. Gomes.
4. Jerusalem City: An Inquiry into it’s Morphological Evolution; by Golam Mohiuddin.
5. Memory Association in Place Making: Understanding an Urban Space; by Qazi Azizul Mowla.
Book Reviews
6. The Architecture of the City — City as evaluated by Aldo Rossi; reviewed by Farida Nilufar.
7. Cities in Transition — Transforming the Global Built Environment; reviewed by Shayer Ghafur.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 3 No 2 (1989)This issue of Protibesh containes a variety of topics including many related to the environment. The papers deal with a wide variety of subjetcs as varied as Health Facilities, Housing, Finance, Institutional facilities, Environmental studies and Planning.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 3 No 1 (1989)In this issue: 1. Evaluation of Hospital Buildings in the light of their Future Development in Bangladesh; by Dr Rafiqul Hussain. 2. Housing Urban Poor: Tenement-Blocks as Contemporary House-Form; by Dr Iftekhar Mazhar Khan. 3. Design Criteria: Community Secondary School; by Faruque A. U. Khan and Prof. Meer Mobashsher Ali. 4. Architectural Styles and Industrial Buildings; by Dr Niizamuddin Ahmed. 5. The Role of the Architect in Producing Thermal Comfort in the Context of Existing Conditions in Dhaka; by Zebun Nasreen Ahmed.
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 2 No 1 (1987)
In this issue 1. The 'Floating Population' — an Alternative Approach to Tackling the Squatting Problem in the City of Dhaka; by Dr M. A. Muktadir. 2. Development Information for more Responsive Architectural Designs; by Abu H. Imamuddin. 3. Social Aspect of Multiownership Flats: The Problems of Ownership; by Khairul Enam and Meer Mobashsher Ali. 4. Role of the Planner; by Haroon Ur Rashid. 5. Some Problems and Prospects of Planning the Upazila Headquarters; by Robert Gallagher. 6. Industrial Noise : A Casestudy in Dhaka; by Dr M. A. Muktadir and Nizamuddin Ahmed. 7. Building Construction Regulations 1984 — an Evaluation; by Khaleda Rashid. -
Protibesh—Journal of the Department of Architecture, BUET
Vol 1 No 1 (1977)This is the first ever issue of the Journal and it was published under the title ENVIRONMENT, more than a decade after the establishement of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, BUET.
It was hoped that the Journal will communicate current thoughts, ideas and research activities of the Faculty and in turn stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas.