In this issue 1. The 'Floating Population' — an Alternative Approach to Tackling the Squatting Problem in the City of Dhaka; by Dr M. A. Muktadir. 2. Development Information for more Responsive Architectural Designs; by Abu H. Imamuddin. 3. Social Aspect of Multiownership Flats: The Problems of Ownership; by Khairul Enam and Meer Mobashsher Ali. 4. Role of the Planner; by Haroon Ur Rashid. 5. Some Problems and Prospects of Planning the Upazila Headquarters; by Robert Gallagher. 6. Industrial Noise : A Casestudy in Dhaka; by Dr M. A. Muktadir and Nizamuddin Ahmed. 7. Building Construction Regulations 1984 — an Evaluation; by Khaleda Rashid.