In this issue:
1. Social Exclusion and Residential Densification: Implications for Integration of the Urban Poor in Dhaka, Bangladesh; by Shayer Ghafur.
2. Constraints prevailing in the field of Landscape Architecture: A Special Reference to the Indian Subcontinent; by Shikha Rani Roy.
3. Light – Creating Drama in Space: The Role of Natural and Artificial Light in Creating Space; by Catherine D. Gomes.
4. Jerusalem City: An Inquiry into it’s Morphological Evolution; by Golam Mohiuddin.
5. Memory Association in Place Making: Understanding an Urban Space; by Qazi Azizul Mowla.
Book Reviews
6. The Architecture of the City — City as evaluated by Aldo Rossi; reviewed by Farida Nilufar.
7. Cities in Transition — Transforming the Global Built Environment; reviewed by Shayer Ghafur.